The meterpreter reverse shell requires a connection back to msfconsole using multi/handler.
background — background the current session and return to the Metasploit console
clearenv — clears the (Windows) event logs (kinda obvious)
creds_all — dump all user credentials in memory (requires the kiwi module)
download — transfer a file from the target to the attacker
edit — edit a file
getpid — get current process ID
getprivs — display current user privileges
getsystem — attempt to elevate to SYSTEM/root
getuid — get current process user
golden_ticket_create — create a golden ticket (requires the kiwi module)
guid — get session ID
hashdump — dump NLTM hashes from the SAM (Windows-only, requires system privileges); fields are username, RID (the last four digits of the Windows SID, with leading zeros dropped), LM password hash, NTLM password hash
ifconfig — display host network interface information
info — get information about a meterpreter extension
shell — drop to system shell (return to meterpreter using CTRL + Z)
sysinfo — pull remote system information
upload — transfer a file from the attacker to the target
meterpreter sessions can be backgrounded using the background command, and all sessions can be backgrounded using CTRL + Z. List sessions using the sessions command, and foreground a session using session -i #, where # is the session number.
The sessions command is also used to connect to meterpreter sessions that have been caught after a successfully executed exploit.
Loading PowerShell
load powershellpowershell_shell
Don’t try to exit PowerShell — trying to do this produces consistent hangs for me. Instead, background the process with ^Z.
Not 100% sure where the “tokens” come from here… Mimikatz, maybe?
Process migration
I think that meterpreter is being run directly from memory, and what migrate is doing is basically creating a new process using the memory of a different application, hopping to that process, and then shutting down the old process.
To make sure that the meterpreter process has system privileges
To hide (pick a process less likely to be examined)
To stabilize the shell (initial exploits often produce somewhat unstable sessions)
To move laterally or escalate privileges within a system (if you’re lucky)
To gain additional capabilities
In particular, harvesting credentials from LSASS requires that meterpreter be living in a process with the same permissions (NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM) and architecture as LSASS; migrating meterpreter can help us realize this. The print spooler service (spoolsv.exe) is often a good choice, as it runs with elevated permissions, has the same architecture as the system itself, and will restart itself automatically. You can also use lsass.exe directly if you feel like living dangerously.
Another example is that dumping keystrokes will only work when meterpreter is attached to a word processor or text editor.
Note that meterpreter will happily let you migrate from a privileged to an unprivileged process — which may cause you to loose control of the target system! Additionally, migrating meterpreter will change its current working directory to that of the process it’s attaching to.
Executing run post/windows/manage/migrate will cause meterpreter to try to migrate to another process in an automated fashion. I’m not sure how “smart” this is in practice.