You can download video and audio files for offline viewing from a variety of websites using youtube-dl. Be sure to install ffmpeg as well for tagging.

# Grab an HD MP4 (720p or the next best LARGER size).
youtube-dl \
	--output "%(title)s (%(id)s).%(ext)s" \
	--format "bestvideo[width<=1280][height>540][ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/bestvideo[width<=1920][height>720][ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best" \
	--add-metadata "$URL"
# Grab the best quality video and audio. Will often get muxed into an MKV
# container rather than MP4, though sometimes you'll get something like
youtube-dl \
	--output "%(title)s (%(id)s).%(ext)s" \
	--format "bestvideo+bestaudio" \
	--add-metadata "$URL"
# Grab the best single format file less than 200 MB.
youtube-dl \
	--output "%(title)s (%(id)s).%(ext)s" \
	--format "best[filesize<200M]" \
	--add-metadata "$URL"

Useful size specs:

NameWidth(Max) HeightNotes
480p854480DVD quality
540p960540“Quarter HD”, pretty uncommon (except on VHX)
720p1280720Often just called “HD”
1080p19201080Often called “Full HD”

Most of the time, you’ll need a newer version of youtube-dl than is available in your distro’s repos… Or that can be installed using pip. The easiest way to get do this is to install youtube-dl at the system level (to make sure that all the dependencies are present), and then to grab the latest youtube-dl source code from GitHub and build it in a Python virtual environment.

virtualenv youtube-dl
cd youtube-dl
. bin/activate
# Run `pip install youtube-dl` here if you DON'T have the package
# installed at the system level. This will pull in all necessary deps
git clone
cd youtube-dl
# DO NO `make install` however! Instead, just run using ./youtube-dl.