The ARP protocol links OSI layers 2 and 3 by mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses. ARP packet message headers contain two operation codes: REQUEST (1) and REPLY (2).

Basically, an ARP request will broadcast “to” a particular IP address but using the “broadcast” MAC address (00:00:00:00:00:00), and the computer with that IP address will then reply in a non-broadcast fashion (since this requires that both the MAC address and IP address be filled in, such a direct reply provides the desired information by way of its very existence).

Because ARP requests are about binding a MAC address to an IP address, they are necessarily limited to the current subnet.

ARP scanning

ARP scanning

Scanning a network with ARP rather than ICMP is one method of keeping a lower profile, as ARP requests are less likely to be monitored.

It’s fairly easy to set up such a scanner using the Scapy module:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Scans the given IP range on the given network using ARP
# rather than ICMP to help bypass potential alerting.
from scapy.all import *
interface = "eth0"
ip_range = "10.10.X.X/24"
broadcastMac = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
packet = Ether(dst = broadcastMac) / ARP(pdst = ip_range)
ans, unans = srp(packet, timeout = 2, iface = interface, inter = 0.1)
for send, receive in ans:
	print(receive.sprintf(r"%Ether.src% - %ARP.psrc%"))

Note that the r here isn’t a mistake — rather it specifies a “raw string” (the use of which, incidentally, requires Python 3.6+).

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