This guide will cover setting up Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi 4B so that:

  • It can be used as a USB C “gadget” with an iPad Pro (or similar device);
  • All files except for /boot are encrypted;
  • A full desktop environment is available on demand via RDP; and
  • The system still works as a desktop device in a pinch (BYO keyboard, mouse, and monitor).

Be aware that this guide was written using the 64-bit 2021.2 Kali Linux image; YMMV with other images!

It should be possible to adapt the steps here for other Debian-based operating systems with a Raspberry Pi 4B compatible image. It should also be possible to do this all in fewer steps; the guide below is split up in a very step-by-step fashion, and is in no way optimized for speed.

Hardware and software

Things you’ll want/need:

  • A Raspberry Pi. (I use an 8 GB Raspberry Pi 4B.)
  • A good USB C cable. (The DockCase USB C cable is surprisingly great.)
  • A good microSD card. (I use a 64 GB Kingston Canvass Go! Plus.)
  • A second “bootstrap” microSD card that’s at least 32 GB in size. (You need something twice the size that your operating system image requires. This will just be used to “bootstrap” the encrypted microSD card, so it’s only necessary if you’re spinning the Pi up for the first time.)
  • A USB microSD card reader (since you’ll need to have both microSD cards connected to the Pi briefly.)
  • Physical access to a Linux system. (This could actually be the Pi itself, if you’ve already got it up and running with another operating system.)
  • An HDMI monitor, microHDMI-to-HDMI cable, and a USB keyboard (only needed until we set up network access and USB gadget mode).

Create the bootstrap microSD (if necessary)

If you’re setting the Pi up for the first time, you’ll need to burn a Kali Linux microSD card to bootstrap off of. (If you already have a working Pi, then this can be skipped.)

# Download the latest version of Kali Linux from
# Check that page to
# see which file name you should be using here (2021.2 is
# current at the time of this writing).
curl -O
# Check the sha256 hash to make sure you've downloaded a good
# file (the hash used below is for the 2021.2 image).
sha256sum kali-linux-2021.2-rpi4-nexmon-64.img.xz | \
	grep -E "^97549d9e24dbd73add004b9521874dff6351a6275428356e804b98eb9e842c99 " && \
	echo "SUCCESS - Download checksum looks good" || \
	echo "FAILURE - Download checksum doesn't match expected value; file corrupt or incorrect"
# /dev/mmcblk0 is the SD card device on my system; YMMV. Be
# sure to use the right device here, or you can hose your
# system! If your system automatically mounts partitions on
# insert, then you'll need to unmount them before performing
# this step.
xzcat kali-linux-2021.2-rpi4-nexmon-64.img.xz | \
	sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M status=progress

There’s a small amount of free space on the Kali ROOTFS partition; it may be useful to drop any of the SSH private keys here that you’ll eventually want to use to use to log into the Pi here to make it easier to copy them into the right locations later.

Pop the microSD card out, throw it in your Pi, boot up, log in. The first-run username and password are both kali.

We’ll need more space in ROOTFS than the Kali image provides out-of-the-box. The kalipi-config tool can make this happen, but unfortunately it doesn’t recognize the the 64-bit images as a Raspberry Pi! To fix this, you’ll need to edit /usr/bin/kalipi-config and hack the is_pi() function so that it always returns 0. Once you’ve done this, run sudo kalipi-config and use Advanced Options → Expand Filesystem to reclaim the rest of your microSD card’s space.

You’re now ready to bootstrap your actual system!

Set up the encrypted microSD sard

# Download the latest version of Kali Linux from
# Check that page to
# see which file name you should be using here (2021.2 is
# current at the time of this writing).
curl -O
# Check the sha256 hash to make sure you've downloaded a good
# file (the hash used below is for the 2021.2 image).
sha256sum kali-linux-2021.2-rpi4-nexmon-64.img.xz | \
	grep -E "^97549d9e24dbd73add004b9521874dff6351a6275428356e804b98eb9e842c99 " && \
	echo "SUCCESS - Download checksum looks good" || \
	echo "FAILURE - Download checksum doesn't match expected value; file corrupt or incorrect"
# Decompress the image. Note that you may experience I/O hangs
# while decompressing the image; just be patient and wait for
# the Pi's little green light to stop flashing.)
unxz kali-linux-2021.2-rpi4-nexmon-64.img.xz
# Everything from here on out needs to be run as root, so
# let's use sudo to open a root shell now.
sudo -s
# Mount the partitions in the Kali disk image. Your image
# partitions will *probably* show up as /dev/loop0p1 and
# /dev/loop0p2, but you may want to check the symlinks under
# /dev/disk/by-label first, just to be sure.
losetup -Pf kali-linux-2021.2-rpi4-nexmon-64.img
mkdir /mnt/img-{root,boot}
mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/img-boot
mount /dev/loop0p2 /mnt/img-root
# Now connect up the microSD card reader and insert the first
# microSD card and partition it. My card shows up as
# /dev/mmcblk1 (so that's what I'll be using moving forward),
# but you'll want to double-check this; if you use the wrong
# device here you can hose your system!
# Delete the current partition, make sure you're using a DOS
# partition table, and then create two new partitions:
# The first partition should be a primary partition 256MB in
# size of type 0c (W95 FAT32 LBA).
# The second partition should also be a primary partition. It
# should use the remainder of the space and be of type 83
# (Linux).
fdisk /dev/mmcblk1
# Format the new partitions, mount them, and copy over the
# operating system files.
mkfs.vfat -v -n BOOT /dev/mmcblk1p1
cryptsetup -v -y luksFormat /dev/mmcblk1p2
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/mmcblk1p2 crypt_rootfs
mkfs.ext4 -v -L ROOTFS /dev/mapper/crypt_rootfs
mkdir /mnt/ext-{root,boot}
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/ext-boot
mount /dev/mapper/crypt_rootfs /mnt/ext-root
rsync -avh /mnt/img-boot/ /mnt/ext-boot/
rsync -avh /mnt/img-root/ /mnt/ext-root/
# You should copy your SSH public key(s) over to /mnt/ext-root 
# at this point, as you'll eventually need these to unlock the
# Kali ROOTFS partition via dropbear. I'm not writing out that
# step explicitly though; you could be generating a new
# keypair here, using keys you copied over to the bootstrap
# microSD above, or just copying ~/.ssh/authorized_keys from
# an existing system. You do you.
# Make the Pi load an initramfs on boot.
echo 'initramfs initramfs.zst followkernel' >> /mnt/ext-boot/config.txt
# Make sure the kernel knows where ROOTFS is. Note that we use
# /dev/mmcblk0p2 here rather than /dev/mmcblk1p2, because
# we're going to remove the current microSD card and use the
# one we're creating in a moment, which means that on boot
# this new card with be /dev/mmcblk0!
sed -i -e 's#root=/dev/mmcblk0p2#root=/dev/mapper/crypt_rootfs cryptdevice=/dev/mmcblk0p2:crypt_rootfs#' /mnt/ext-boot/cmdline.txt
# Fix paths in /etc/fstab.
sed -i -e 's#/dev/mmcblk0p2#/dev/mapper/crypt_rootfs#' /mnt/ext-root/etc/fstab
# Add ROOTFS to /etc/crypttab.
echo -e 'crypt_rootfs	/dev/mmcblk0p2	none	luks' >> /mnt/ext-root/etc/crypttab
# Now let's actually generate the initramfs we need. Note that
# mkinitramfs wants a (missing) kernel config, so we copy one
# over from linux-headers as a work-around.
mount -t proc none /mnt/ext-root/proc
mount -t sysfs none /mnt/ext-root/sys
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/ext-root/dev
mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/ext-root/dev/pts
mount -o bind /mnt/ext-boot /mnt/ext-root/boot
LANG=C chroot /mnt/ext-root
cp /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/.config \
   /boot/config-$(uname -r)
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs.zst $(uname -r)
# Cleanup our mess.
umount /mnt/ext-root/boot
umount /mnt/ext-root/dev/pts
umount /mnt/ext-root/dev
umount /mnt/ext-root/sys
umount /mnt/ext-root/proc
umount /mnt/ext-root
cryptsetup luksClose crypt_rootfs
umount /mnt/ext-boot
umount /mnt/img-root
umount /mnt/img-boot
losetup -D
rm -rf /mnt/ext-* /mnt/img-*

Now comes the moment of truth: Shut down and unplug the Pi, remove the bootstrap microSD card and the reader, put the microSD card you just created (from the reader, with the encrypted ROOTFS) into the Pi, and then plug the Pi back in. If everything went right, you should be prompted to enter the decryption passphrase you set for the microSD card, after which boot will continue and you’ll be able to log into the desktop environment!

(Note that the console unlock message can sometimes get lost in the initial dmesg output.)

First boot

After the first successful boot there’s some basic housekeeping that we should do.

# Change the default user password.
# Become root.
sudo -s
# System update. DPKG may ask you some questions during this
# process.
apt update
apt full-upgrade
apt autoremove --purge --autoremove
apt clean
# Update the (missing) kernel config.
cp /usr/src/linux-headers-$(ls -1 /lib/modules | grep -e '-Re4son-v8l+$' | sort | tail -1)/.config \
   /boot/config-$(ls -1 /lib/modules | grep -e '-Re4son-v8l+$' | sort | tail -1)
# Regenerate initramfs.
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs.zst \
	$(ls -1 /lib/modules | grep -e '-Re4son-v8l+$' | sort | tail -1)
# Drop permissions.

Kali Linux on the Raspberry Pi isn’t configured to use swap, which makes sense because normally it’s running from a slow microSD card. Still, having some swap can aid system stability. We’re going to split the baby by enabling ZRAM.

Begin by create /usr/local/sbin/

case "$1" in
	"start" )
		# The "-s" option sets the size of the ZRAM device
		# *before* compression; ZRAM will *actually* use
		# something closer to 30% - 50% of this value, depending
		# on the compression algorithm used. As a rule of thumb,
		# set "-s" to be equal to the amount of RAM you actually
		# have *or* 8G, whichever is *less*.
		ZRAMDEV="$(zramctl -f -s 8G -a zstd)"
		mkswap $ZRAMDEV
		swapon -p 10 $ZRAMDEV
	"stop" )
		for ZRAMDEV in $(awk '/zram/ { print $1 }' /proc/swaps); do
			swapoff $ZRAMDEV
			zramctl -r $ZRAMDEV
	"restart" )
		$0 stop
		$0 start
	- )
		echo "USAGE: $(basename "$0") (start|stop|restart)"

Then create the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/zram.service:

Description=ZRAM-based virtual swap device
ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/ start
ExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/ stop

Finally, make sure that everything’s enabled.

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Make sure that the ZRAM module is loaded.
echo zram >> /etc/modules
# Make the script executable.
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
# Enable required services.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable zram.service
# Encourage the kernel to preferentially clean up memory and
# swap into ZRAM sooner.
echo 'vm.vfs_cache_pressure=500' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo 'vm.swappiness=100' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo 'vm.dirty_background_ratio=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo 'vm.dirty_ratio=50' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# Drop permissions.

You should reboot after doing all of this.

Network access and USB gadget mode

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Install pre-requisits.
apt install dnsmasq
# Update firmware overlay and initramfs kernel modules.
echo 'dtoverlay=dwc2' >> /boot/config.txt
echo '' >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
echo dwc2 >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
# Create /etc/network/interfaces.d/usb0.
cat > /etc/network/interfaces.d/usb0 << EOF
auto usb0
allow-hotplug usb0
iface usb0 inet static
# Create /etc/dnsmasq.d/ipad.
cat > /etc/dnsmasq.d/ipad << EOF
# Regenerate initramfs.
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs.zst \
	$(ls -1 /lib/modules | grep -e '-Re4son-v8l+$' | sort | tail -1)
# Drop permissions.

Create /usr/local/sbin/

modprobe libcomposite
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget
if [ ! -d pi4 ]; then
	mkdir -p pi4
	cd pi4
	echo 0x1d6b > idVendor  # Linux Foundation
	echo 0x0104 > idProduct # Multifunction Composite Gadget
	echo 0x0100 > bcdDevice # v1.0.0
	echo 0x0200 > bcdUSB    # USB2
	echo 0xef   > bDeviceClass
	echo 0x02   > bDeviceSubClass
	echo 0x01   > bDeviceProtocol
	mkdir -p strings/0x409
	echo  fedcba9876543211 > strings/0x409/serialnumber
	echo 'Kali Linux'      > strings/0x409/manufacturer
	echo 'Kali Linux'      > strings/0x409/product
	mkdir -p configs/c.1/strings/0x409
	echo 'Config 1: ECM network' > configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
	echo  250                    > configs/c.1/MaxPower
	mkdir -p functions/ecm.usb0
	echo '00:dc:c8:f7:75:14' > functions/ecm.usb0/host_addr # HostPC
	echo '00:dd:dc:eb:6d:a1' > functions/ecm.usb0/dev_addr  # BadUSB
	ln -s functions/ecm.usb0 configs/c.1/ecm.usb0
	udevadm settle -t 5 || :
	ls /sys/class/udc > UDC

Create /usr/local/sbin/

cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget
if [ -d pi4 ]; then
	cd pi4
	echo '' > UDC
	rm -f configs/c.1/ecm.usb0
	rmdir functions/ecm.usb0
	rmdir configs/c.1/strings/0x409
	rmdir configs/c.1
	rmdir strings/0x409
	cd ..
	rmdir pi4
	cd /
	rmmod usb_f_ecm
	rmmod u_ether
	rmmod libcomposite

The script is something you won’t find in other tutorials about setting up a Raspberry Pi in USB gadget mode. Those all focus on bringing the usb0 interface up — none cover how to tear it down successfully. Unfortunately, iPadOS 15 doesn’t like it when USB ethernet gadget goes partially down when exiting the initramfs (we’ll cover this part of things in the next section). To work around this, we need to have the ability to completely remove usb0 so that the device doesn’t exist at all when the initramfs terminates and normal userland takes over.

Now that we can bring usb0 completely up and down, let’s tie things together. Create the systemd service file /etc/systemd/system/usb0.service:

Description=Raspberry Pi USB C ethernet gadget mode NetworkManager.service dnsmasq.service
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ifup usb0
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/ifdown usb0

Finally, let’s activate everything.

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Make our script executable.
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
# Enable required services.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable dnsmasq.service
systemctl enable usb0.service
# Drop permissions.

Second moment of truth: Shut down the system, remove the power, and connect the Pi to your iPad over USB C. The Pi should power on, and then shortly after you unlock the ROOTFS the iPad should be assigned an IPv4 address via the ethernet device “Kali Linux”. You should then be able to SSH in as kali@

RootFS unlock over SSH

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Install dropbear + initramfs hooks.
apt install dropbear-initramfs
# Align dropbear SSH host keys with OpenSSH. Normally this
# isn't considered a best practice, but...
#     (1) We're only ever connecting to the Pi over usb0, not
#         an open network (or, god forbid, the internet).
#     (2) We're actually going to take steps in a moment to
#         MAKE SURE that (1) is true.
# Since we're only connecting to the Pi via SSH over a SINGLE
# cable, using a private IP address, and with SSH host keys
# that are unique to this device, the danger of having these
# keys disclosed in the event that someone got ahold of the
# Pi's microSD card seems minimal (after all, such an attacker
# could just trojan the initramfs.zst directly).
# (Note that you should make sure to set an EMPTY password
# when using ssh-keygen to convert they keys to PEM format, as
# dropbear doesn't support password-protected host keys.)
cd /etc/dropbear/initramfs
rm -f dropbear_*_host_key
cp /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key .
for SSH_KEY in $(ls -1 ssh_host_*_key); do
	DROPBEAR_KEY="$(echo "$SSH_KEY" | \
		sed -e 's/ssh_host_\(.*\)_key/dropbear_\1_host_key/')"
	ssh-keygen -m PEM -p -f $SSH_KEY
	dropbearconvert openssh dropbear $SSH_KEY $DROPBEAR_KEY
	rm -f $SSH_KEY
# At this point you'll need to add your SSH public keys to
# /etc/dropbear/initramfs/authorized_keys. I'm not writing out
# this step explicitly though; you could be generating a new
# keypair here, using keys you copied over when setting up the
# encrypted microSD card, or just copying
# ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (and making sure that the permissions
# are right!). You do you.
# That said!
# As a fan of per-host keys I'm not in love with this step,
# since it means that if I reset my iPad then I need an
# external keyboard to unlock the Pi before I can copy over
# the new public key. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to
# support a password-based login (which I think is "secure
# enough" in here for the same reason that I think that
# re-using the SSH host keys is "secure enough" in this
# particular context) without modifying dropbear's initramfs
# setup hook (which I'd rather not do, as any changes will be
# overwritten if the dropbear-initramfs package is updated).
# Add dropbear configuration options. In particular, for an
# unlock of ROOTFS on successful login.
sed -i -e 's;^#DROPBEAR_OPTIONS=$;DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-jks -c /usr/bin/cryptroot-unlock-ssh";' /etc/dropbear/initramfs/config
# Drop permissions.

Create /usr/local/sbin/

if [ ! -b /dev/mapper/$ROOTFS_DEV ]; then
	if [ -f /cryptroot/crypttab ]; then
		ROOTFS_UID="`grep $ROOTFS_DEV /cryptroot/crypttab | cut -d ' ' -f 2`"
	elif [ -f /etc/crypttab ]; then
		ROOTFS_UID="`grep $ROOTFS_DEV /etc/crypttab | cut -f 2`"
	/usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen $ROOTFS_UID $ROOTFS_DEV && killall cryptroot

Create /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot-unlock-ssh:

prereqs() {
	echo "$PREREQ"
case "$1" in
		exit 0
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks-functions
copy_file script /usr/local/sbin/ /usr/bin/cryptroot-unlock-ssh

Create /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ipad:

prereqs() {
	echo "$PREREQ"
case "$1" in
		exit 0
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks-functions
manual_add_modules dwc2 libcomposite usb_f_ecm
copy_file script /usr/local/sbin/ /usr/sbin/
copy_file script /usr/local/sbin/ /usr/sbin/
copy_exec /usr/sbin/dnsmasq
copy_file config /etc/dnsmasq.d/ipad /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Create /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/ipad:

prereqs() {
	echo "$PREREQ"
case "$1" in
		exit 0
. /scripts/functions
mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config
. /usr/sbin/
ipconfig -d ""
/usr/sbin/dnsmasq --local-service --user=root --pid-file=/run/

Create /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/ipad:

prereqs() {
	echo "$PREREQ"
case "$1" in
		exit 0
. /scripts/functions
kill -TERM `cat /run/`
ip link set dev usb0 down
ip address flush dev usb0
ip route flush dev usb0
. /usr/sbin/
umount /sys/kernel/config

Fix up permissions and finish setting things up:

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Make sure that new initramfs-tools scripts are executable.
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/
chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot-ssh
chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ipad
chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/ipad
chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/ipad
# Regenerate initramfs.
mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs.zst $(ls -1 /lib/modules | grep -e '-Re4son-v8l+$' | sort | tail -1)
# Drop permissions.

Third moment of truth: Reboot your system. After a few moments you should be able to SSH into it as root@ (over USB C) and be prompted to unlock your root device. After you type in your decryption passphrase, SSH should automatically close and your system should continue to boot. In a few more moments you should be able to SSH back in as kali@

You can also still unlock the system at the console, which is handy if you want to use the Pi as a stand-alone computer.

Note an annoying feature of this setup — you have to SSH in as root to do the initial unlock, but then will need to SSH in a second time as kali once the system is fully up. Partly, this is due to the fact that there’s not really a way to hand SSH off from the initram environment to the full system (this is why you have to log in once to unlock, and again to use the system once it’s fully up). Theoretically it should be possible to add a kali user to the initramfs, but doing so would require both the dropbear initramfs hooks to be modified (which, as previously mentioned, is fragile w.r.t. upgrades) and a lot more magic in generally than seems advisable.

Network hardening

Now that we’ve got the Pi working with our iPad, we’re going to lock down networking a bit

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Limit SSH access to the kali user over usb0.
cat > /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/lockdown.conf << EOF
AllowUsers kali
PermitRootLogin no
systemctl restart sshd.service
# Basic firewall.
apt install gufw
systemctl start ufw.service
ufw default deny
ufw allow in on usb0 from port 68 to port 67 proto udp
ufw allow in on usb0 from to port 22 proto tcp
ufw enable
# Drop permissions.

If you’re going to be using this device covertly, you almost certainly also want to run sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service so that the Pi doesn’t attempt to immediately connect to whatever network you plug it into.

Remote desktop

# Become root.
sudo -s
# Install xrdp.
apt install xrdp
# Turn off "new" cursors, as this causes problems with some
# RDP clients. This isn't necessary if you're using Microsoft
# Remote Desktop, but is required to avoid the cursor being
# surrounded by a weird box on Jump Desktop. The trade-off
# here is that the "new" cursors look really nice, while the
# "old" cursors... Do not.
sed -i -e 's/^new_cursors=true$/new_cursors=false/' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
# Allow connections in over usb0.
ufw allow in on usb0 from to port 3389 proto tcp
# Enable xrdp.
systemctl enable xrdp.service
# Drop permissions.

You should now be able to log in using RDP. Standard resolutions work well, but HiDPI/Retina is only marginally more responsive than a slideshow.

As with the dropbear configuration in the previous section, please do not set up RDP like I’m presenting here if you’re using a device that’s exposed to a larger network, or worse yet the internet as a whole. In the real world, RDP servers should only be accessible over SSH, a VPN, or some other secure wrapper — never exposed directly as we’re doing here. The reason we can get away with less is (again) because we’re only exposing RDP over the usb0 interface, and the only other device that ever lives on that network is the iPad.


I use Jump Desktop as my RDP client, rather than Microsoft Remote Desktop — while Microsoft’s offering is overall nicer, Jump Desktop is faster and will connect even when the iPad’s Wi-Fi is disconnected (Microsoft will refuse to connect if Wi-Fi is disabled, even though the Pi is accessible via USB ethernet!).