Port forwarding

The most important thing to remember about SSH port forwarding is that specifications are read as $FROM_SPEC:$TO_SPEC. So a local port forward creates a port that the local system uses to communicate with the remote host/port specified by $TO_SPEC, while a remote port forward creates a port that the remote system uses to communicate with the local host/port specified by $TO_SPEC. (It’s actually a little more complicated than this, as the $FROM_SPEC might be something like *:8888, which opens up port 8888 to all systems on the local subnet, not just localhost.

Port forwarding is always one-way, from the created port to the destination port.

It’s also possible to use SSH as a SOCKS5 proxy (with a tool like proxychains). As of OpenSSH 7.6, proxy ports can be opened up for both local and remote systems.

Local port forwarding

Local port forwarding with SSH

Forward $LOCAL_PORT from the local machine (-L), to $TARGET_HOST on $TARGET_PORT, relative to $REMOTE_HOST:


(Traffic flows from localhost:$LOCAL_PORT$REMOTE_HOST$TARGET_HOST:$TARGET_PORT.)

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Dynamic port forwarding

Dynamic port forwarding with SSH

Create a tunnel from the local machine using $LOCAL_PORT as the $REMOTE_HOST:


(Traffic flows from localhost:$LOCAL_PORT$REMOTE_HOST → the remote network, with $REMOTE_HOST acting as a SOCKS proxy for the local machine.)

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Remote port forwarding

Remote port forwarding with SSH

Forward $REMOTE_PORT from $REMOTE_HOST (-R), to $TARGET_HOST on $TARGET_PORT, relative to the local machine:


(Traffic flows from $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PORT → local machine → $TARGET_HOST:$TARGET_PORT.)

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Reverse dynamic port forwarding

Reverse dynamic port forwarding with SSH

Create a tunnel from the $REMOTE_HOST using $REMOTE_PORT as the local machine:


(Traffic flows from $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PORT → local machine → the local network, with the local machine acting as a SOCKS proxy for the $REMOTE_HOST.)

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Change a key’s passphrase

How to change an SSH Key passphrase

ssh-keygen -p -f $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
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