Get-WinEvent is a PowerShell command for working with Windows event logs.

# Get help on Get-WinEvent (calls out to Microsoft).
Get-Help Get-WinEvent
# Filter event log output using the Where-Object command. This
# apparently pipes the entire output to the Where-Object
# command, which then scans for the appropriate field. So a
# bit inefficient for large logs.
Get-WinEvent -LogName Application | Where-Object {
	$_.ProviderName -Match 'WLMS'
# To match event IDs with Where-Object, use the slightly
# different form `Where-Object Id -eq 100`, etc.
# Use the -FilterHashtable flag. This causes the filtering to
# be done during the call made by Get-WinEvent, and has a more
# straight-forward syntax too. However, it only works when
# called against the system event log; Where-Object needs to
# be used when specifying an archived log via -Path.
# Note that hashes can be specified with newlines instead of
# semicolons as well, which can make scripts A LOT more
# readable!
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
	LogName = 'Application';
	ProviderName = 'WLMS'
# To display all information about an event, pipe the output
# of Get-WinEvent to `Format-List -Property *`


Get-WinEvent FilterHashtable

There’s lots of good information about the various FilterHashtable keys in Microsoft’s documentation. Some important ones:

  • LogName (String)
  • ProviderName (String)
  • Path (String)
  • Keywords (Long)
  • ID (Int32)
  • Level (Int32)
  • StartTime (DateTime)
  • EndTime (DateTime)
  • UserID (SID)
  • Data (String)
  • [NamedData] (String)

Wildcards can be used with LogName and ProviderName, but not with other keys.

Event Viewer displays most of these values in the “General” when viewing an individual log entry, though note that Keywords is translated to a string.


Get-WinEvent FilterHashtable keywords

  • AuditFailure (4503599627370496)
  • AuditSuccess (9007199254740992)
  • CorrelationHint2 (18014398509481984)
  • EventLogClassic (36028797018963968)
  • Sqm (2251799813685248)
  • WdiDiagnostic (1125899906842624)
  • WdiContext (562949953421312)
  • ResponseTime (281474976710656)
  • None (0)
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Get-WinEvent FilterHashtable log levels

  • Verbose (5)
  • Informational (4)
  • Warning (3)
  • Error (2)
  • Critical (1)
  • LogAlways (0)
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Event IDs

Windows event IDs

  • 104 — Event log was cleared
  • 1102 — Audit log was cleared (517 on Windows 2003 and earlier)
  • 4104 — PowerShell command and script logging
  • 4626 — Successful logon
    • LogonType 3 represents a (generic) network login
    • LogonType 9 represents a logon where the outbound credentials are different than the credentials used to authenticate to the account that is initiating that login (only logged by the host initiating the connection, however)

It’s hard to find documentation about event ID, and the meaning seems to shift between versions of Windows.

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