Many large companies will enable PowerShell remoting on all machines in order to ease IT support burdens (by default, remoting is only enabled on domain controllers).

# Create PSCredential object for authentication.
$username = "$TARGET_USER";
$password = "$TARGET_PASSWORD";
                                          -AsPlainText -Force;
                   System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
                   $TARGET_USER, $SECURE_PASSWORD;
# Enter an interactive PowerShell session on the $TARGET_HOST.
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $TARGET_HOST `
                -Credential $CREDENTIAL_OBJECT
# Alternately, we can pass commands directly as "script
# blocks". Note that the $POWERSHELL_SCRIPT does not have
# access to any variables in the host script or session, as
# its sent to $TARGET_HOST for execution (though this can be
# worked around using the -ArgumentList parameter, if
# necessary).
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $TARGET_HOST `
               -Credential $CREDENTIAL_OBJECT `
               -ScriptBlock {