
Keyboard shortcuts

Burp Suite keyboard shortcuts

  • Ctrl + Shift + D — Switch to Dashboard
  • Ctrl + Shift + T — Switch to Target
  • Ctrl + Shift + P — Switch to Proxy
  • Ctrl + Shift + I — Switch to Intruder
  • Ctrl + Shift + R — Switch to Repeater
  • Ctrl + F — Forward intercepted request
  • Ctrl + U — URL encode selected text in Proxy → Intercept
  • Ctrl + R — Send request from Proxy to Repeater
  • Ctrl + R — Send request from Proxy to Intruder
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Using with Firefox

I strongly recommend using the Burp Suite Browser, since it already has proxy and SSL interception set up. Also, it’s always best to keep your “hacker” and “normie” tools/identities as separate as possible!

How to use Burp Suite with Firefox

The Burp Suite browser is compiled as an x86_64 binary, and thus doesn’t work on a Raspberry Pi. As a work-around, Firefox can be used to interact with Burp Suite.

First, make the following changes to Firefox’s settings:

  • Settings → General → Network Settings → Settings… → Manual proxy configuration → (Set the “HTTP Proxy” to and check “Also use this proxy for HTTPS”)
  • Settings → Privacy & Security → Browser Privacy → Logins and Passwords → Ask to save logins and passwords for websites → Off
  • Settings → Privacy & Security → Browser Privacy → History → Use custom settings for history → Always use private browsing mode → On

Then install the Burp Suite CA certificate:

  • Start Burp Suite.
  • Go to
  • Click on the “CA Certificate” link in the upper right to download Burp Suite’s certificate.
  • Go to Settings → Privacy & Security → Security → Certificates → View Certificates…
  • Import the Burp Suite CA certificate and check “Trust this CA to identify websites.”

It’s also possible to use FoxyProxy — set up Burp Suite as a togglable proxy and then import the Burp Suite CA certificate as above. I don’t like this option because I think that hacking and normal browsing activities should be kept as separate as possible.

Using Chromium on the Raspberry Pi as the Burp Suite browser might be the best option, as it aligns more with Burp Suite’s built-in (x86_64) browser. Unfortunately, Chromium’s certificate import functionality appears to be broken on Kali Linux ARM right now.

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Using with mobile applications

How to use Burp Suite with mobile apps

You can proxy mobile API requests through Burp Suite too.

Be aware that this proxies all device traffic through Burp Suite.

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Scoping in Burp Suite

Sites can be added to the project scope under Target → Scope.

You can also add them by right-clicking on a site in Target → Site map. When you do this, you’ll be prompted to turn off logging outside of the scope. If you want to change this (or forget to set it), then you can still do so in Logger by clicking on the “Capture filter” bar and then checking the “Capture only in-scope items (Suite scope)”

You can further restrict the Proxy to only intercept in-scope requests under Proxy → Options → Intercept Client Requests by turning on “And URL Is in target scope”.

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Issue definitions

Issue definitions in Burp Suite

Target → Issue definitions provides a list of the issues used by the vulnerability scanner built into the paid version of Burp Suite. For the Community Edition (i.e., what comes with Kali Linux), it’s basically just a massive (and very useful!) reference.

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Burp Suite macros

When dealing with forms that include session cookies or anti-CSRF tokens, we can either grab these tokens directly in Intruder using the Recursive Grep function (within the Intruder module), or construct a macro in Project options → Sessions → Macros (necessary if there’s, for example, a random redirect to make our life harder).

Basically, macros just define repeated requests that we can make. Once a request is defined here, we can add an entry in Session Handling Rules and define the Scope of the macro (the tools it’s active in and the URL it applies to). Then in details we can trigger the macro. Generally you’ll want to restrict the URLs the macro applies to and what parameters/cookies get updated by the macro as much as possible.

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Built-in tools


Note that Burp Suite seems to have trouble running attacks with a large list. For example, trying to use the rockyou.txt data set on my machine silently fails.


Burp Suite Intruder Sniper attacks

Sniper takes a single word list and inserts each element into each defined position, one element and one position at a time.

For example, assume a three-element word list containing one, two, and three, and the body date foo=position1&bar=position2. Then if position1 and position2 are both defined as positions, Sniper will produce the following sequence of attempts:

  • foo=one&bar=position2
  • foo=two&bar=position2
  • foo=three&bar=position2
  • foo=position1&bar=one
  • foo=position1&bar=two
  • foo=position1&bar=three

Sniper is most useful when attacking a single position, however.

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Battering Ram

Burp Suite Intruder Battering Ram attacks

Battering Ram again takes a single word list, but then inserts the same payload into every position on each run.

For example, assume a three-element word list containing one, two, and three, and the body date foo=position1&bar=position2. Then if position1 and position2 are both defined as positions, Battering Ram will produce the following sequence of attempts:

  • foo=one&bar=one
  • foo=two&bar=two
  • foo=three&bar=three

It’s a little mysterious to me why this attack is useful.

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Burp Suite Intruder Pitchfork attacks

Pitchfork takes one word list per position, and then iterates through them in sequence (thus all word lists need to be the same length; if the lists are of different lengths, then Pitchfork will stop upon reaching the end of the shortest list).

For example, assume one three-element word list containing one, two, and three, a second three-element word list containing alpha, beta, and gamma, and the body date foo=position1&bar=position2. Then if position1 and position2 are both defined as positions, Pitchfork will produce the following sequence of attempts:

  • foo=one&bar=alpha
  • foo=two&bar=beta
  • foo=three&bar=gamma

This is generally the approach that would be used in order to test against a potential list of username/password tuples.

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Cluster Bomb

Burp Suite Intruder Cluster Bomb attacks

Cluster Bomb takes one word list per position, and then tests every possible combination in sequence.

For example, assume one three-element word list containing one, two, and three, a second three-element word list containing alpha, beta, and gamma, and the body date foo=position1&bar=position2. Then if position1 and position2 are both defined as positions, Cluster Bomb will produce the following sequence of attempts:

  • foo=one&bar=alpha
  • foo=one&bar=beta
  • foo=one&bar=gamma
  • foo=two&bar=alpha
  • foo=two&bar=beta
  • foo=two&bar=gamma
  • foo=three&bar=alpha
  • foo=three&bar=beta
  • foo=three&bar=gamma

This is a good approach for attacking login forms if you don’t already know the actual credentials, but want to fuzz using some set of likely values (like rockyou.txt).

Obviously this is the most expensive attack in terms of connections/time, and thus also the one most likely to get you noticed!

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Burp Suite Decoder

The Burp Suite Decoder displays hashes in the “Hex” view by default; to convert them into the (hex) ASCII string you’re used to, encode this output as “ASCII Hex”.

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